
Easy Soft Milk Bread

Let’s make some super soft and yummy milk bread! This bread is perfect for breakfast, making sandwiches, or just snacking. We’ll mix some simple ingredients like flour, milk, and a little sugar to create a loaf that’s fluffy and lightly sweet. It’s really fun to bake, and the best part is enjoying the warm, fresh bread right out of the oven. Ready to bake some delicious bread? Let’s get started!


  • Bread Flour: 300g
  • Milk: 110g
  • Water: 40g
  • Egg White: 40g
  • Sugar: 55g
  • Salt: 5g
  • Yeast: 4g
  • Unsalted Butter: 35g, at room temperature


  1. Prepare the Dough: In a large mixing bowl, combine the bread flour, sugar, salt, and yeast. Mix these dry ingredients well. In a separate bowl or measuring cup, mix the milk, water, and egg white.
  2. Mix Wet and Dry Ingredients: Gradually add the liquid mixture to the dry ingredients, stirring continuously until a rough dough forms.
  3. Knead the Dough: Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead for about 10 minutes, or until it becomes smooth and elastic. During the last few minutes of kneading, incorporate the room temperature unsalted butter into the dough until it’s fully integrated and the dough is silky and stretchable.
  4. First Rise: Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, covering it with a damp cloth or plastic wrap. Allow it to proof in a warm location for approximately 1 to 1.5 hours, or until it has doubled in volume.
  5. Form the loaf: After the dough has risen, gently press it down to release any trapped air bubbles. Shape the dough into a loaf by rolling it out and then rolling it up tightly. Place the shaped dough into a greased loaf pan.
  6. Second Rise: Cover the loaf pan and let the dough rise again until it’s just about the rim of the pan, approximately 1 hour.
  7. Bake: Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). Once preheated, bake the bread for about 25 to 30 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and the loaf sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom.
  8. Cool: Remove the bread from the oven and let it cool in the pan for about 10 minutes. Next, move it onto a wire rack to cool down completely.

Serving Suggestions:

Enjoy your Homemade Tender Milk Bread sliced with butter, jam, or use it to make your favorite sandwiches. The soft texture and slightly sweet flavor make it a versatile bread that’s perfect for any occasion.

Happy baking! Enjoy the wonderful aroma and taste of freshly baked bread right from your kitchen.

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